Well done Rudy!! What an amazing achievement!! George, Claire, Wilf, Martha & Iris
Rudy Hayler's Story
I'm fundraising for Charlie's Beach School in Exmouth.
When Charlie sadly passed away at the beginning of this year, I wanted to do something in his memory and to raise money for a charity close to his heart.
He was a lovely friend and he was very funny and had a great sense of humour, we all miss him a lot.
I will be running the equivalent of a marathon (42.195km) - over a few runs, I am setting a target of 6k per run.
Being only 10, I can't do a full marathon YET!
I will take pictures along the way to show you what I have completed, starting today the 23rd June.
Please sponsor this great cause.
Thank you,
I have been away on holiday so haven’t done a run for a few weeks. On Saturday 4th August, I did a 6k run with Dad and Huxley from home along the beach to meet mum and Oscar by hang time. It was another sunny day and not too hot.
I only have a few runs to go now.
Left to run-11.09km
Love Rudy
On Sunday the 14th July I did a run with my friend Archie and his mum Lindsay.
We started at Exmouth Cricket club, then ran to the harbour and then to Orcombe point. This was 5.56km.
It was nice to run with one of Charlie’s friends and Archie was really determined to do it.
I have 17.09 km left to run.
Love Rudy
Dad and I went for a run on Saturday morning.
We ran 6.67km
We started from home and ran to St Peter’s school and down to Lympstone Village and then home. Daddy found it hard to keep up with me, on the hills he was quite far behind, but I really enjoyed running with him.
22.65km to go.
Love Rudy
Fundraising complete! Rudy's Run for Charlie has reached 100% of the target!
Almost there! Rudy's Run for Charlie has reached 75% of the target!
At the half way mark! Rudy's Run for Charlie has reached 50% of the target!
Making great progress, Rudy's Run for Charlie has reached 25% of the target!
Rudy's Run for Charlie has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Rudy Hayler has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!